Each project focuses on a specific topic and tackles challenges in simple innovative ways.
We want to help others, while sharing the foundation of organizing, so people can go out and create their own movements.
Any person can be part of Be:Seattle and our efforts to make Seattle a more equitable city. Are you with us?
• Strong relationships built on trust and respect are the foundation of everything we do. We work at the speed of trust, and approach differences with curiosity and inclusivity. • Greater equality and diversity — of people, culture, perspectives, gender, race, ability and all things — is fundamentally what creates greater resilience and health. • Joy and pleasure are a universal right and motivates people to make lasting change. Pleasure cannot be separated from the pursuit of justice. • Nothing about us without us: Direct stakeholders’ needs and perspectives — especially from those who steward our lands and waters — are what lead our projects. We ensure that many voices and perspectives found in the intersection of housing for all — environment, place, gender, race, ability, socio-economic class, climate and culture are included in decision-making that impacts them most. • Renters deserve the same level of financial stability and ability to plan for their future as homeowners.
The Urbanist..City of Seattle has failed renters. Bad landlords already face no real accountability,” said Kate Rubin, the co-executive director of Be:Seattle. “Organizations helping renters to push back against this power imbalance and stay housed compete for scraps. The burden of rising evictions and homelessness will fall disproportionately on Black and Indigenous communities, LGBTQ+ communities, older people, and disabled people.”......
Urbanist OP-ED by Stay Housed, Stay Health CoalitionOp-Ed: Seattle Council Should Double Rental Assistance, Not Slash It. To prevent homelessness and improve housing stability, don’t cut funding for tenant services and rental assistance – double it. Mayor Bruce Harrell’s proposed 2025-2026 budget would slash funding for tenant services and rental assistance in half, putting thousands of Seattle renters at risk of instability, displacement, eviction, and homelessness.
South Seattle Emerald – Opinion Piece by Kate RubinOPINION | Tenants' Voices Loudly Dissented During City of Seattle Small Landlord Stakeholder Process Housing is a basic human need and a fundamental right, yet for many renters, the dream of secure, stable, accessible, and affordable housing remains elusive. The imbalance of power between landlords and renters is glaring, and housing injustice disproportionately affects Black and Indigenous communities, with Black women facing greater risk of eviction than any other group. While Seattle and Washington State have taken steps to address this issue, renters and landlords will never have equal power.......
HuffPostSo far, 43 companies have signed up with The Pledge. The most common offerings are free water, device charging and restrooms, but others have gone a step further. A barbershop gives out free haircuts. A spa lets homeless people take a rest. A thrift store funded by an AIDS charity invites homeless customers to take advantage of its free HIV tests.